Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Blog Assignment 5

Podcast 5/6 
Word Count : 370

After listening to all the podcast over from episode, I think they finally revealed the secret.  the plot leading up to 5 and 6 made it seem as if the cafeteria food was key to the storyline. They made it seem extremely important by continuously highlighting how high-priority it was for Walter to eat there. When they verbally confirmed the food was medicated I was surprised because I wasn’t expecting that but it made the story more interesting. Heidi went to the dining hall with Walter, in some ways it makes sense as to why Heidi forgot certain things as why she moved back in with her mom, Collin and her previous jobs she had. I’m also surprised she did this because it seemed in episode 6, she did these things on purpose. The reason why I replied that because when Collin question her actions, she was never harassed at the idea that the food contained medication. She had to know this prior to eating the food or I think she would have reacted differently than what she did.

The first season ended very well. It made you want to listen more to what was going on. It ended at a point of surprise that the listener would have never thought what happens.  After listening to all the episodes, I want to continue to listen to the second season. Do I want to see where the story goes, like where is Walter, how did they really "lose" Walter? Heidi really forgot about her life I don't know how much food did she eat? I noticed there is a new voice in the storyline I really want to know how she is? Does she hold an important place in this storyline? Now, I am aware of the meaning of reorganizing Walter but I’m still curious of why this changed after him eating the medication food. I feel as if he would have just forgotten it anyway so there was no difference as to if they still decided to reorganize him again. I’m happy you choose this podcast for us to listen too I really enjoyed it. I’m ready for season two to learn more about homecoming.

Wilson Shek And Terranni Hicks Podcast Script

Fade In:
Setting: Dorney Park Amusement Park - Philadelphia PA- Friday Afternoon Summer
Linus and Lucy both brother and sisters are waiting in yet another long rollercoaster line during a hot summer day. Linus is 15 years old and Lucy is 13 years old. They both attend high school in the Bronx.  Both of them decide to go to another amusement park skipping school as a much needed day off. With the heat of the summer sun bearing down on them Lucy begins to think that waiting in line isn’t worth the hassle after all even if they’re almost the front of the line.

Sound: Roller coaster moving in background with people screaming
Lucy: Linus I think we should we go we’ve been waiting here forever.
Linus: What? Why? Were almost at the front of the line not even five minutes left.
Lucy: It’s too hot right now I feel absolutely disgusting and soaked plus I don’t even feel
like riding on Steel Force it looks stupid.
Linus: It's the middle of July, obviously it's going to be very hot right now, we’ve been
waiting in this line for almost an hour why should we leave now when we're about to go
on? Steel force is probably one of the only roller coasters that are worth going on in this
stupid park.
Lucy: Listen Linus I just don’t want to go on the dam roller coaster, let’s just go back into the park and fine somewhere to cool off.          
Sound: People Talking
Linus: What’s your problem Lucy? Are you afraid or something? Stop acting like    a baby and just ride the roller coaster, why does this have to be so complicated?
Lucy: Why do you have to talk to me like that? I’m ten years old not a baby, I'm not afraid at all I just don't want to ride it right now, why can’t you just understand that huh?
Lucy: You always have to talk down to me like I’m nothing every time we go anywhere
You have to turn something fun into an uncomfortable time and ruin it for everyone
Lucy: When mom and dad took us to parks like these they would let us do what we
wanted to do, not boss around
Sound: Summer Day
Linus: Stop trying to waste my time you always do this, every time we're waiting in line
You always want to leave at the worst possible moment just because you don’t feel like it
I'm trying to talk some sense in you, I already had to pay $40 for the each of us and your
not wanting to go on any of the rides really doesn't help that case.
Linus: Mom and dad hated taking you out because you would never want to do anything
you would rather just stand around until it was over, wasting both their time and money.
Linus: I’m your older brother you should be listening to me anyway, I don’t know why    you have to argue with me right now the line is moving and we're almost there we're going to ride Steel Force whether you like it or not.    
Lucy: How bout I just leave then, what are you going to do to stop me? It not like you
care anyway.
Linus: Where are you going to go? Home? I drove you here so as far as I’m concerned you're stuck.
Sound: Even louder roller coaster sound effect
Lucy: You better be lucky you drove me this far, you know I don’t have any way home
Lucy: Silence……………...
Lucy: I’m sorry Linus
Linus: Sighs
Linus: Listen Lucy I don't like to yell like that, you and me both know that we only have each other. I don't want you to walk away because I’m afraid I might never see you again.
Lucy: You're right! I’m sorry for being such a brat.  I love you Linus… I’m ready to have fun  
Music: Heartfelt
Linus: I’m having second thoughts about this ride though, I’m feeling very nervous of all sudden
Lucy : Really Linus after all that now you're going to be scared?
Both Linus and Lucy reach the front of the line and proceed onto the front car of the roller coaster, Linus is visibly shaken.
Lucy: There's no turning back now we're already here
Sound: Clicking of the bar
Sound: Rising tension tone
Linus: Why is this going so slow I thought this was supposed to be quick
Lucy: Linus you know what rollercoasters are like, are you for real right now?
Linus: You’re right I'm acting like an idiot.
Lucy: Here we go!!!!!!!!!
End Scene

1 comment:

  1. I agree! I feel as though the way the first season ended certainly made me want to stay tuned for the next season. They did a good job of keeping our focus shifted; I also thought the focus was supposed to be on the food and on Walter. Turns out, Heidi is the focus of this all!
