Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Final Project

word count : 406
The story I will be telling is the life of being a full-time student vs managing being a big sister. Trying to balance both can be difficult at times. Being a big sister is fun, but it is also a great responsibility. Even when you don’t realize it, your younger siblings are looking to you for guidance. You might even find that they mimic your behavior. Though it might be a lot of pressure, you can use your role to have a positive impact on your siblings’ lives. Be a good big sister to them by building a strong bond, being a positive role model, and being kind to them.
my little brother Hadith 
my little brother Amir

my little sister Z'har

While in college a student can easily become overwhelmed by a schedule that is busier than he or she is accustomed to. Trying to juggle one's studies and social life can quickly become overwhelming and may eventually threaten one's grades and educational goals. This is further exacerbated by other bad habits that consume one's time, such as procrastination, for example. Unfortunately, it isn't always easy to cut back on the number of activities that make up a student's schedule. To create a balance between study and social interaction, students must learn and implement valuable time management skills
- doing an interview with my siblings and mother
- create a mini video of my college life
- show pictures of me interacting with my siblings
-  words expressions
-characters and captivating events sprinkled throughout the story to ensure the audiences sustained interest.
My goal is to make sure that each scene leaves audiences wanting more and at any given moment the audience should know what's going on. 
Some questions I was thinking about asking my siblings:
1. What are you most proud of them for
2. If you’re the younger sibling, do(es) your older sibling(s) feel like they need to be guiding you every step of the way, or do you they take a more hands-off approach?
3.  What kind of music do you both like to listen to (because it’s what your parents also listened to)?
4. If you guys could take a sibling trip, no parents or other relatives or significant others, where would you go?

Questions for my mother :
1. Do you think is a good big sister?  And do I play that role?
2. How well do you think I balance my social life and school?

I couldn't write 750 words because I'm still brain streaming on my project



  1. Aw this is such a cute idea!! You seem like an awesome sister. You should try to find some pictures when they were really little and put them in the video, too! It'd be cool to see how much they've grown but even you, too. I can't wait to see how this turns out

  2. Dear Terranni,

    I like that you are already thinking about what kind of questions you might ask your brothers and sister, and your mom. You might consider tailoring them more specifically to their perceptions of you. So, for example, instead of asking your siblings what music they like to listen to, you could ask them what their earliest memory is of you. You could also ask them to list three words that describe you. This video idea sounds like it could be both funny and charming, and it might also be a chance for you to figure some things out for yourself. For example, do you sometimes wish that you didn't have this other responsibility? Does your mom rely on you more than you would like her to? How do you feel about motherhood, and how has this big sister role shaped your views on your own ideas about parenting? Taking an honest look at what's good and what's bad about this role will help illuminate for the viewer the complexities of having this big sis role. You'll have to do some soul-searching too, so that you have a greater understanding of what it means to take this on. I'm interested to see what you come up with!

  3. I always wanted to be a big sister but unfortunately I was made the little sister. I'm looking forward to seeing your video because I always wondered what it was like to be an older sister. Right now, it seems like you are off to a great start for you video. Best of luck with creating it! :)

  4. I love this idea because you can find so much out about yourself through the eyes of the people closest to you. I know when I'm feeling overwhelmed by being here and taking care of others while trying to find time for myself - it's easy to forget why you're doing it all. I think this will reinforce it all and motivate you to keep going even on the harder days. I'm excited to see this!

  5. I like this idea because it is something that is near and dear to your heart! I am a big sister as well - there are actually seven of us. It is definitely a huge responsibility, especially since we didn't sign up for it! haha
