Monday, November 27, 2017

Free Write

Word Count : 865

Define the word:
Being a big sister is a huge responsibility. And no, I'm not talking about a sorority big sister. I'm talking about your flesh and blood, being a mentor and basically the reigning queen over your younger siblings. I speak from experience, and though I can only relate to those with little brothers & sisters. I'm sure the basic responsibilities of being the older sister are the same. Being a big sister means:
·      Being a mentor
·      Being a supporter
·      Keeping secrets
·      Being a chauffeur
It has also taught me to be:
·      Selfless – because I am an older sister, I have realized that their needs frequently come before mines. Its comes with bending over backwards just to make them happy and to please them
·      Aware of my surroundings – once you become someone big sister you have to be aware of your friends and what you doing. I know my little sisters look up to everything I do. You have no other choose but to show them positive vibes and show them how any relationship should be
·      A role model – everything we do is drawn from the actions of people around us. We bring in everything we see and hear to create our own spirit.  My siblings unknowingly draw behavior from me. Basically, I have to watch how I carry myself.
·      Patient – I have gained little to no patient which is crazy. Being an older sister has taught me everything not going to at my pace and it’s not always about me.
·      To share- As I said in the beginning of the semester I was the only child for 10 years so sharing my room & my mother was hard for me. As years goes on I learned how to share.
·      To defend-  I would do anything for my siblings and anyone who has a problem with them automatically has a problem with me.
·      To love - There is something so beautiful about unconditional love. My siblings are everything to me and there is nothing they could do that would make me feel any differently. To love someone is to want the best for them and to see them prosper. Love is not selfish, but it allows the person to grow. Every time I am asked to think about what love is
·      How to be a best friend - My siblings are my best friends. They also taught me to be the kind of best friend that I want to be. A best friend is a support system. Someone who is always there for you and who will do everything in their power to make you better. A best friend will not always tell you that you are right, but they will challenge you and help shape you into the kind of person you are supposed to be.

Ø  Zhar is my sister; Gemini her personal is out this world. We are 10 years apart
Ø  Hadith is my brother; Aquarius I will describe him as a Greek. We are 12 years apart
Ø  Amir is my brother; Aries he is full of life because he only 1 year’s old. We are 19 years apart

Write a list of all:
1.     The streets you’ve lived on; Rose street, Riverview Terr, N 6th street
2.     The name of your elementary, middle, and high schools; 18th avenue elementary school, Newark vocational high school

             I have so many memories of my brothers and sister its crazy. This one specific memory is when my mother told me she was pregnant and watching her belly grow for 9 months. The day each of them was born. My reaction when she told me she was pregnant I was so mad. Especially, with my little sister, I couldn’t believe she was having another baby. I wanted to be the only child for the rest of my life. I was frustrated and on top of that, I just lost my favorite cousin. I was in 6th grade and that’s when my behavior increases and my attitude started. I used to get a phone call home every day literally. When she told me, she was pregnant with my little brother Hadith I was just over it. It was too many babies coming into my household and I didn’t understand why. I just knew I was going to be mean to these little kids when they come, and if she asked me to help her with them I will tell her no. Now, as years went on I learned how to love them and was happy I wasn’t the only child because the spotlight wasn’t on me anymore. I was able to a teenager and she wasn’t overprotecting as she used to be.
Finally, the last out the bunch Amir when she had him I was freshmen in college and didn’t really help him when he was a baby because I was away at college but when I came home for breaks I made sure I spend some time with him. My little brother is only 1 and nobody can tell me he not full of joy. I love all my sibling’s and very blessed they were choosing to be in my life.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Story Board

my story board 

The Fourth State of Matter

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Word Count : 508 
 Journey by the train every day is crazy.  For regular commuter can be a typical experience and one gets so used to it that can almost predict what happens next. its people everywhere, some orderly, some pushing, some but all moving towards a destination like being possessed. All your hearing is "excuse me", "sorry", " thank you " when passing through people. Ahhh! The life of a commuter; is a real struggle every day. Daily I have to set my alarm 2 hours prior to my regular alarm time to get a class on time. If I don't set an alarm, I will be rushing to train station running with my bags dragging on the ground. The worst part is sometimes when you rushing to get on the train and it pulls off soon as you get on track. Now, I'm out of breath, feeling like my heart is about to come out my chest.
The gates are shutting automatically as the train is about to take me on a wild roller coaster ride. As the train moves, turns, we all are shoving us against each other, for the brief of a 45-minute journey we are all one unit. Our shudders to a close to each other, the brake throwing us forward one of other as if to snap us out of our mass hypnosis. At this point, you either give way or you are carried with the crowd. The only choice is to resist or evade. The morning train journey is a version in miniature of modern day life when people is sweaty, confused and it sometimes stinks but you take the ride anyway.
After being on the train for 20 – minutes now and finally have a seat and you can't really focus on your homework because of crying baby or group of friends talking loud. Now I’m questioning myself how can people invade each other’s personal space, and yet act uninterested? All I can do is breath in & out trying to balance my bags between my legs. 2 more stops until Rutgers the coordinator said on the loud speaker.
Finally, !!! off the train and walking on College Ave. It’s so many people waiting for bus at Scott Hall.  The LX comes and it’s a lot people is running to get on this one little bus now I’m thinking not this again; I just want a break. standing at bus stops all you hear is weird sounds from shuttles because half of them be broke down. They say buses run as often as every 3-9 minutes during peak periods on weekdays but they lied I have waited 20 minutes for a bus before. They also say depending on where you are going, the average bus rides ranges anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes which is another lie you will be waiting for drivers for like 10 minutes because they want to take long breaks and now you running late for class. Moral of story is I’m tired of commuting I just need to buy me a car.