Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Bog Assignment 3

399 word count
Dear Best Friend,

It feels like we were just meeting yesterday. At the same time, it feels like we've known each other for our entire lives. It's difficult to put in words every thought whirling through my mind and every feeling rushing through my body. I go from feeling extremely angry that you're we leaving each other soon, to feeling a swell of pride for everything we accomplished thus far. I'm depressed, thinking about life without you, and its ecstatic, knowing what's ahead.
You see, before I met you, I didn't know how much I needed you in my life. I didn't know how empty I would feel when I didn't see you for couple days, You are madly loyal, insanely dependable, and unbelievably funny. Not to mention the fact that you're one of the weirdest people I know. You and me together? Madness. Never in my life have I laughed so much at nothing, or had so many on-going inside jokes. I can't even count the number of times we have sat in my room, rolling around on my floor with tears flooding out of our eyes, as we laugh so hard at literally nothing, that we start snorting.
However, just because we graduating, does not mean that we will fall out of each other's lives. Your dedication, hard work and ability to excel in everything you do will all work together to bring you success.
Believe me, the next phase of life is going to be a good one. While I wish we were entering it together, know that you made the most out of your time in college. I'm just grateful that I can say this with confidence: the best times, the worst times, and the crazy times were the best moments in my life. Our graduation is not the end of our story... it's the beginning.
Know this, best friend, we going to do big things someday. And when we do, we'll be right there by each other  side.

"It's not that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but it's your best friends who are your diamonds. It's your best friends who are supremely resilient, made under pressure and of astonishing value. They're everlasting; they can cut glass if they need to." - Gina Barreca


Your Best Friend

Whats Your Secret ?

Blog Assignment 3

Monday, September 18, 2017


Blog Post #2
word count : 614
       The day I learned there was no sure thing as a Santa Claus.  I was in 3rd grade, and one day after school my grandmother asked me to write my Christmas list. At this time, I was still the only child.  I still remember this day like it was yesterday, it was snowing outside. I was watching my favorite childhood TV show that's so raven. So, I'm brainstorming about what I want for Christmas. My wish list was Wii& games, baby doll, bike/helmet, board game, card game, books, children music CD( Disney music), doll house/furnishings, telephone set, clothes etc. I was so excited about counting down until the big day and to see Santa give me my gifts. My grandmother used to give story's every night about how Santa will be coming to town.
      Now, days have gone by and I see some gifts under the tree but I didn't see any Santa Claus. So, now I'm wondering why my grandmother always wanted to go in the house first and I had to wait 3 minutes later until I can go in. When I asked my grandmother why she said: "Santa was bringing more gifts in". She knew how to make me excited. It's 5 days until the big day and I'm getting more excited. It was last day of school before winter recess and one of my friends told me Santa is not real she caught her mother putting some of her gifts until the tree.  I told her " yes it is he was just at my house yesterday putting gifts under my tree" she laughed and walked away. As days go on and the countdown is almost over and it's now Christmas eve. I was so excited couldn't even eat all my dinner that night.
      It was midnight, I heard noises in my living room. I felt around the bed and my grandmother wasn't there. So, I decided to get on my tippy toes and go to the bathroom. Lucky my room was next to the bathroom so I didn't have to walk far. Went into the bathroom and I looked out the door can see in my living room and I see my grandmother wrapping the rest of my gifts. I couldn't believe what I was seeing " my grandmother lied to me " which I keep saying to myself. Kamari was right about Santa Claus. I went to my room and cried my eyes out but not loud enough so that my grandmother can hear me. I didn't even care about Christmas anymore. My head swam with half-formed regrets. My heart felt as if my blood had become tar as it struggled to keep a steady beat. My melancholy mood hung over me like a black cloud, raining my personal sorrow down on me wherever I went. Opening my gifts acting like I was so excited and happy about Christmas but I really didn't care about anything. Had to act happy so my grandmother couldn't tell my mood. she was so excited to see me so excited.
     Two days later I asked my grandmother to tell me the truth about was Santa Claus real? She looked at me with a really stupid face. All I could do was laugh. Her reply was "no " I was just trying to make your Christmas experience exciting and memorable as possible " I finally told her I saw her wrapping my gifts and my friend told me Santa wasn't real. Really couldn't be mad at her just because the replies she gave me it made me feel loved.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Life Of Queen

501 words count  
Hey, everyone, my name is Terranni Hicks. I'm currently a junior at Rutgers University New -Brunswick. My major is Social Work. I always wanted to be either a social worker or register nurse. I feel as though social work job is a unique profession rich with meaning, action, and the power to make a difference. Social workers can pull communities together, help individual and families find solutions, advance changes in social policy promote to social justice and fast human and global well-being.  I love to help people to make their lives better.
    I think about presenting myself I always refer to one aspect of my personality is to grind hard. the reason I grind so hard because I'm the first person in my family to go college. I have younger siblings that are looking up to me. I must set the bar high as possible. I'm from Newark, NJ where its killings every day and people getting car jacked. My goal is to graduate college and move my family out of Newark. I refuse to let my siblings grow up around the same mess I had to grow up around.  You can't even walk to stop without thinking they going to start shooting or seeing crackheads and people fighting. Where I live we be scared to park our cars on street because of their always somebody stealing cars and doing a hit and run. We have been living in the same area for about 5 years now and it been several accidents and cars flipping over and hitting our house. I grew up in the hood I saw it all and more. I'm from where on 4th of July you don't know if they shooting or its fireworks. Scholars come on for college summer break and get killed.People don't mind hitting you just because they driving like they're in a race car.
  Some fun about me is I'm the oldest for 4 sibling's. my birthday is February 24. I'm a very own Pisces. Alumni of Rutgers Future Scholars Program which is a pre-college program which introduces first-generation, low-income and academically-talented middle school students from four Rutgers home communities (New Brunswick, Piscataway, Newark, and Camden) and they promises opportunities of a college education. Students who successfully complete the pre-college initiative and are admitted to Rutgers will receive a scholarship covering the cost of their tuition for four years funded through a range of grants and donations. While being in this program met my best friend Charisma. Now I work at my pre-college program when I'm a mentor for my amazing scholars. There are few things I love to do on my free time which is go shopping, go partying with my friends, go eat and just enjoy life.  Freshmen year I attend a HBCU Shaw University in North Carolina one of first black school in the south. I'm a good friend, lovely, caring friend. still to this day, I'm still friends with people I grew up with 20 years of friendship.