Monday, September 11, 2017

Life Of Queen

501 words count  
Hey, everyone, my name is Terranni Hicks. I'm currently a junior at Rutgers University New -Brunswick. My major is Social Work. I always wanted to be either a social worker or register nurse. I feel as though social work job is a unique profession rich with meaning, action, and the power to make a difference. Social workers can pull communities together, help individual and families find solutions, advance changes in social policy promote to social justice and fast human and global well-being.  I love to help people to make their lives better.
    I think about presenting myself I always refer to one aspect of my personality is to grind hard. the reason I grind so hard because I'm the first person in my family to go college. I have younger siblings that are looking up to me. I must set the bar high as possible. I'm from Newark, NJ where its killings every day and people getting car jacked. My goal is to graduate college and move my family out of Newark. I refuse to let my siblings grow up around the same mess I had to grow up around.  You can't even walk to stop without thinking they going to start shooting or seeing crackheads and people fighting. Where I live we be scared to park our cars on street because of their always somebody stealing cars and doing a hit and run. We have been living in the same area for about 5 years now and it been several accidents and cars flipping over and hitting our house. I grew up in the hood I saw it all and more. I'm from where on 4th of July you don't know if they shooting or its fireworks. Scholars come on for college summer break and get killed.People don't mind hitting you just because they driving like they're in a race car.
  Some fun about me is I'm the oldest for 4 sibling's. my birthday is February 24. I'm a very own Pisces. Alumni of Rutgers Future Scholars Program which is a pre-college program which introduces first-generation, low-income and academically-talented middle school students from four Rutgers home communities (New Brunswick, Piscataway, Newark, and Camden) and they promises opportunities of a college education. Students who successfully complete the pre-college initiative and are admitted to Rutgers will receive a scholarship covering the cost of their tuition for four years funded through a range of grants and donations. While being in this program met my best friend Charisma. Now I work at my pre-college program when I'm a mentor for my amazing scholars. There are few things I love to do on my free time which is go shopping, go partying with my friends, go eat and just enjoy life.  Freshmen year I attend a HBCU Shaw University in North Carolina one of first black school in the south. I'm a good friend, lovely, caring friend. still to this day, I'm still friends with people I grew up with 20 years of friendship.


  1. This is a very good start. Make sure that you include at least 8 photos to accompany this post.

  2. I also am a first generation college student. That grind is instilled in all of us because we are first. We have to work harder both academically and within balancing our home lives. I enjoyed reading this and about your passions. Keep working hard!

  3. Terrani...I didn't know you were a social work major! Come visit me in 536 George St. if you want to connect with any other professors or learn more about the MSW program. Thank you for sharing insight about your life--it's a lot of responsibility to be the first in your family to go to college, and it's probably also difficult to balance your school life with going back to a place where you have to worry about the safety of yourself and your family. Good intro here!

  4. It's admirable that you want to be able to help people. I am also considering social work or nonprofit management as a career that benefits individuals or families. Realize that money fuels many students into profitable futures. However, more rewarding than wealth is getting a family in need into housing or getting them the much-needed counselling. I admire everything you have done and conclude you must be a very strong person dedicated to furthering your education and living up to whatever other goals you have set for yourself.
